THE normal duration for university courses is 4 years, except medicine and some more, which are 6 UNIVERSITY studies have ''ECTS CREDITS' as a measure forthe lessons, and normally, 60 ECTS are taken each year, so, each cours comprises 240 ECTS cradits, gives the right to obtaining and acadamic degree [GRADO], architecuture or engineering qualification.
postgraduate courses are master's degrees [masters],and doctoral degrees [doctorado] the acces is regulated by the university itself,throuh the doctarate comission. it is necesarry to have the degree course, architecture or engineering.
own degrees are nonregulated studies leading to ane unofficial degree, recognized only by the granting university these courses have the same structure as the requlated studies.
the universities requlate acces to their own degrees and they fix the acedamic fees. they can also offer unofficial postgraduate degrees. spain has internationally recognized universities,the most noteble being