Mexico city, March 16,2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Mario Delgado carillo, seceratary of Education of Mexico city, has be named to the 2011 class of young globel leaders by the world ecnomic forum {WEF}.Minister Dalgado joins 190 young leaders from 65 countries arround the world recognized for their proffessional accomplicashments,commitment to society, and potential to countribute to shaping the future of the world.
WWEF's young globle leaders are under the age of 40 years and participate in task forces and initiatives desighned to affect the lives of future generations and crafts innovative responses to global and regional challanges. each year,WEF names approximately 200 young Global Leaders from thousends of nominations arround the globe.
'' I am honered by this recognition from the World Economic Forum. Education is wital for any society to compete in today's global economy.i not only see this as a distinction but a responsibility to contribute with other young leaders and find new ways to encourage innovation and quality learning in eduaction systems around the world,"Minister Delgado said.
minister Delgado has held senior leadership positions in Mexico city's government for the past 15years. As Minister of Education, Mr. Delgado has devaloped innovative programs targeting at-risk youth in mexico City , including prepa si,a scholership program to keep high school students from low -income families in the class room,and More Books,Better Future, a youth reading initiative. parior to his appoinment as Minister of Education,he served as Minister of finance and oversaw management of Mexico city's $3 billion annual budget. He proviously served as senior advisor to the Minister of social Development Minister Dlgado has earned degrees from Mexico's instituto technologico autonomo and the University of essex {UK}Last year,Mr.Delgado was mentioned in the highly reputable lideres Mexicanos magazine as one of the 300 more influential and people in the country.
The world Ecnomic Forum,headquarted in Davos,switzerland,is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, politica.acedemic and other leaders of society to shape global,regional and indestry agendas.