Educationmrb in Germany:
Educationmrb in Germany occupies a high level of importance. There are different German States which have different laws pertaining to the educationmrb system of the state, but generally each state coordinate with others to create unified and balanced educational system in the whole country.The Educationmrb system of Germany is quite different from the Known US Education system .University education in Germany is of good quality as proven by the country's university educationmrb status in university and academic rankings worldwide.
There are no study fees for Education in Germany.Higher educationmdr institutions welcome all international students, however they have to arrange for their living expenses on their own which will be DM 1300/month.
Undergraduate education in Germany Requires one year bridge program. Eligibiltiy in this bridging course, students are required to have excellent
academic record and must have basic knowledge of the German Language.

In Germany's educationmrb system some of the Management courses require GMAT, & some engineering programmes require GRE.TOEFL is also a standard test required for programmers have English as a medium of instruction.You will have to apply for the admissions directly to the unversities. Students can get the Application forms from the International offices of Universities, then filled applications have to be sent back to the university along with the authenticated copies of your certificates and cerfitificates confirming your knowledge of German
Visa for International Student:A Language course Visa---cannot be subsequently converted into a student visa, valid for only for the duration of the courseA 3 month study visa, valid only if you have not yet obtained university admission and after getting the admission immediately it should be converted into a resident permit for student purpose at the office for foreigners.Visa for study purpose , valid for one year. For getting this should provide proof of admission and financial supposrt theduration
"The visa application is submitted at the German Embassy or the German Consulate in your country."
Top Universities of Germany Educationmrb : Technical University, Munich University of Bonn University of Freiburg University of Goettingen University of Heidelberg University of Munich University of Frankfurt University of Hamburg Uniersity of Muenster University of Berlin