Ranked as the 1 Public school in the United states, Berkeley offers pod casts and webcasts of amazing professors lecturing

course has an RSS feed so you can track each new lecture. For printable assignments and notes you can check the professors

homepage, which is usually given in the first lecture or google his name. Even though the notes, homework and tests are not

directly printed in the berkeley website, as they are in MIT and other courseware sites, it's not a problem to find them. I

personally tried to use it for John Wawrzynek's machine structures class and the nutrition courses.

Getting The Most From Berkeley Web casts
Berkeley Videos are in .rm format and real player can be a pain. It asks you to register real player, spawns on startup. Instead,

download a free program called media player classic with the real alternative plugin. Media player classic is fully featured and

much easier on the computers memory. The real alternative plugin download seems to come with an older version of media player

classic, so updating media classic is optional

Carnegie Mellon's Open Learning InitiativeCarnegie Mellon is a private research university ranked equal with Berkeley. Though registration is not required they have a registered user mode that allows you to keep track of your scores and progress. Currently 11 courses are offered. The courses are basically ebooks in a frame-based easy to use navigation system with an occasional powerful interactive Java Applet for practice and testing.